Welcome to Taz Wild Plants on-line store. We ship to all states of Australia except Western Australia due to quarantine restrictions. Plants are presented in 40mm tubes and packed with great care to ensure they arrive safely. Plants are posted early in the week.
Tasmania's ancient landscape has an amazing pantry of flavours. We have selected tasty easy to grow plants for you to enjoy. And of course they are beautiful too.
Taz Wild Plants have a dedicated team who work tirelessly everyday of the year to bring you gorgeous healthy plants. They are too numerous to count, and very shy, but please meet some of them below.
Taz Wild Plants is situated in the beautiful Fingal Valley of Tasmania, tucked under the watchful eye of Ben Lomond. This photo was taken from the nursery and the beauty of our landscape is the inspiration for growing Tasmanian native plants.
Taz Wild has been growing Tasmanian native plants for 40 years. If you have any queries please don't hesitate to call Biz on 0363842165 or e-mail biz@tazwild.com.au
Our team of ladybirds work tirelessly, walking up and down the leaves looking for insects
Skinks are our pest controllers of the nursery working on the ground every day of the week
We have a large population of frogs caring for our plants making sure they are kept healthy