This delicate lily has flavour packed bulbs beneath the ground. The bulbs need to be scrubbed with a brush or knife to remove all traces of dirt and to expose the white tubers. Slice the bulbs and fry gently with a little olive oil, add to yoghurt or sour cream for a delicious unique nutty flavoured dip.
DESCRIPTION: Vanilla Lily has delicate orchid like flowers on stems to 20cm. they have masses of tubers which are starchy, and this enables them to withstand long periods of dry conditions. They seed well and strike readily.
GROWING CONDITIONS: Vanilla Lilies grow naturally on dry hillsides or light soils and excel in dry poor soils.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Grow in very well drained soils and don't over water as you can kill these lilies with kindness. If you garden by neglect then this is the plant for you!
PLANTING IDEAS: Plant on mass as they give a spectacular display and you will love the tubers which can be harvested all year round.
FAUNA: Vanilla Lily attracts skinks , natures pest controllers helping to remove insect pests from your garden