CULINARY USES: Berries can be eaten raw or stewed and used in pies and tarts. Fruit can be made into jellies and jams. Berries can be added to regular apples and stewed together for a gourmet apple crumble.
DESCRIPTION: Apple Berry is a very attractive evergreen climber, covered in a profusion of stunning greenish yellow tubular bell shaped flowers in spring and summer. Flowers are followed by handsome glossy purple berries 2cm x 1cm in summer and autumn. Crops very well. Fast grower.
GROWING CONDITIONS: Prefers dappled sun or shade. Will tolerate extended dry periods but prefers moisture. Apple Berry grows in a variety of sols and conditions. It loves something to grow up but if there is nothing around it will just tumble over itself.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Keep well mulched and give extra water over summer for an abundant crop. Plant in part shade and in well drained soils.
PLANTING IDEAS: Apple Berry is happiest growing up a trellis, archway or tree.
FAUNA BENEFITS: Attracts honeyeaters in spring and fruit eating birds in summer